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13 - 15 May 2025
In person & on-demand recordingsOkura, Amsterdam

Bert den Ouden
Project Director at HyXchange


Bert den Ouden is Project Director of the “HyXchange” Hydrogen Exchange initiative, supported by Dutch gas operator Gasunie and four Dutch port authorities, and involvement of over 70 market parties. The HyXchange development program contains a Hydrogen certificate pilot, a Hydrogen spot market simulation and other development of a hydrogen pricing index.
Earlier, Bert den Ouden was founder and CEO of APX-ENDEX, the energy exchange in Netherlands, Belgium and UK. He realized the “market coupling” to integrate the EU electricity markets and led the growth of the TTF gas hub, as well as Belgian and UK (NBP) gas markets.

Agenda Sessions

  • Panel: Fireside chat: Establishing and creating hydrogen as a globally traded commodity
