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13 - 15 May 2025
In person & on-demand recordingsOkura, Amsterdam

Tomasz Wlostowski
Plenipoteniary for EU Affairs, Grupa Azoty at Board Member, Fertilizers Europe


Tomasz Włostowski is a dual-trained EU/US lawyer specializing in energy, climate and international trade law. For most of his 20 year career, Tomasz has worked with chemical, fertilizer and ammonia producers on various topics related to trade and climate regulation. Currently, Tomasz is responsible for EU affairs at Grupa Azoty, one of Europe’s leading fertilizer and ammonia producers. He also sits on the Board of Fertilizers Europe and Ammonia Europe, two leading industry associations. Previously, Tomasz worked in numerous law firms in Poland, United States and Belgium. He is a member of the District of Columbia bar. He currently resides in Brussels.

Agenda Sessions

  • Fireside chat: Ammonia – global mechanisms and the regulatory landscape needed for securing demand

  • Panel: Tying together the threads with alternative fuels: What needs to happen to reach net zero targets?
